Find Website Loading Time with Pingdom Tools

It basically works by loading the total HTML Page which includes all its objects like Text, Images, CSS Files, JavaScript Codes, RSS, Flash Files, Frames/iFrames etc and then give a detailed report which would have complete details on how much time each of the above mentioned individual objects would take to load. Based on this report you can optimize your website and make sure that its not going to take much time in loading. Some suggestions for reducing the loading time would be
- Hosting all your advertisements on the same server IP or else on a single server to make sure that whenever your website loads all the ads would quickly loading and the server would not have to connect to multiple resources and increase the loading time.
- Compress the Images like GIF or JPEG and make sure that you dont reduce the quality but just the size because thats what that matters in website loading. If you can retain the same quality then there is no issue in compressing the Images.
- Fix CSS Files and try to remove the useless CSS Codes which are not going to be used. This means that if you are having a lot of CSS Codes for some functions which arent being implemented then you should remove them and reduce the overall size.
- Enable Gzip Compression using different pluins or using modules on your server itself because this can make sure that the output of the files are reduced and would load quicker.
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